Just a Really Nice Day

A few weeks ago, my friends and I decided to visit Hitachi Seaside Park in Ibaraki to view the kochia in full Autumn blaze. And I wanted to mention it. That is all.

I’ve rewritten this whole thing quite a few times… (do I want to turn this into a little Spotlight Ibaraki post to highlight the cool things we have in our semi-forgotten prefecture? Do I want to list all the things there are to do and see in Hitachi?)… but in the end, I decided that my experience doesn’t have to have subtext.  This is what happened on that beautiful October day: my friends and I pretended we were professional photographers, taking artsy pictures of the kochia (none of which turned out well). We ate a delicious lunch from food trucks. We screamed on some of the amusement park attractions. We took an open-air train ride around the whole park. We felt the (very strong) sea breeze.  We ran to Costco for slices of American pizza (and we actually literally ran out of Costco to catch the last bus back to the station).

In the end, it was just a really nice day.




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